Comprehensive, high-fidelity, patient-level data is critical for assessing disease burden and generating insights that drive evidence-based medicine. Incorporating clinical and patient-characteristic data (e.g., lab, genomics, race and ethnicity) ensures a holistic and accurate view of the patient.
HEOR Studies
>50% of teams report these 8 "significant to very significant challenges" impede research:
Linking claims data to specialty, proprietary, or other external datasets
Avoiding regional bias
The legal process for procuring data
Timely data delivery
Seeing the complete longitudinal view of the patient
Receiving support with analyzing/working with data
Seeing robust patient coverage, including genomics and biomarker data
Obtaining patient mortality data
What’s behind the challenge?
Proprietary (vs. ubiquitous) tokenization makes data linking extremely complex and fraught with pitfalls
Lack of access to high-fidelity data that accurately reflects the patient population by geographic region
Data silos that require teams to identify and assess data sources, initiate multiple contracts, and manage multiple vendors
Using data that does not capture multiple years of the patient journey
Purchasing data cuts on the marketplace vs. working with a data partner that provides thought leadership support
Using data that doesn’t include both closed and open claims or integrated specialty data